California Drought (and Flood) Update fro June 29, 2017

California Drought (and Flood) Update fro June 29, 2017

The essential significance of these expressions of existentialist irrationalism for the predictability of the post-1960s U.S. population’s trends in opinion, is that these mass developments, initially centered in the university student populations of the 1964-1972 interval, became “a march through the institutions,” a virtual locust-plague of irrationalism, whose spreading influence prompted more and more among the general population, especially the younger generations, to make an open break with reason itself. The characteristic of this increasingly lunatic trend, was a militant aversion to the suggestion that there must be some efficient connection between the material means for producing human existence, and the goals of human existence.

Typical of this process, was the increase in the ration of the labor-force employed in those forms of “services” which are of doubtful value to the real economy and the real population, an increase coinciding with a collapse in the percentile of the labor-force employed in useful forms of employment. The break from the idea of producing, or assisting the production of useful physical goods, contributed to fostering a sense of a break away from a rational sense of the means by which a population acquires its income, from the production of the wealth on which that income depends.

How To Tell the Future by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr

Executive Intelligence Review, August 14, 1999

A Note To Readers

Today, just days after a subway derailment in New York City, which injured 34 people and did substantial damage to the tunnel, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency for the Metropolitan Transit System. The Oroville Dam spillway collapse in February, that threatened a catastrophic flood forcing 180,000 people to flee for their lives, appears to have opened the floodgates (pun intended) of the moment of truth about the consequences of ignoring America’s real physical economy for decades. As the saying goes, the chickens have come home to roost.

The quotation from Lyndon Larouche above says a lot about how we have arrived at this moment, and I urge you to study it.

This week’s feature report follows the report on the New York City disaster and includes much more on both infrastructure generally, and the indispensable step required to really do anything about it: A national credit system.

A final thought for this introduction: During the Bush and Obama administrations the U.S. spent more than $10 trillion (yes, trillion) on regime change wars and bailing out the parasitic banks of Wall Street. President Trump, during his Presidential campaign, also highlighted that crime. Now is the time for the President to act on that intent.

What Else Is In This Week’s Report?

With record breaking temperatures last week, the record breaking snowpack is melting and sending record breaking amounts of water down the streams and rivers. So, we have some flooding and some real problems with at least part of the extensive levee system on the rivers.

The Oroville Dam update section has a report on the progress of construction and an item on the federal government ordering more inspections of at least one other dam spillway.

Governor Brown’s other pet project, beside the high-speed rail project, the Delta Tunnels, this week did clear a hurdle to move forward, but there are many more hurdles to be cleared, and among them the financing which appears to be even more precarious than even a few months ago.

As we all know, drought shall return, sooner or later. An interesting report on the development of drought resistant crops is included in this week’s report.

Finally, wildfire season has begun and some articles on the topic are included below.

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