California Water and Infrastructure Report for January 18, 2018

California Water and Infrastructure Report for January 18, 2018

I have no access to my usual conversion to URL this week. So, for direct access to the full report, you must copy and paste the below link:

Let us consider the technologies needed today to construct a new economic platform for a revitalized, re-industrialized United States, integrated into the great New Silk Road. Revolutionary new technologies in power generation, water management, transportation, and agriculture, will create the new economic platform necessary for moving our nation and mankind into the future of becoming a space-faring species.

From Chapter 3, “Credit for Increasing Productivity” from the LaRouche PAC report, “LaRouche’s Four Laws & America’s Future On The New Silk Road”

A Note To Readers

The entirety of the chapter the quote above is from can be found as the last item in this week’s report. What will a serious rebuilding of America’s infrastructure look like? That is the subject of chapter 3. And here is a little more from that chapter:

In other words, the level of achievable productivity depends upon raising the “platform,” through revolutions in infrastructure, on which successful general advances in potential relative population-densities depend. Without those advances in basic economic infrastructure, merely particular technological progress locally applied will fail in attempted performance of the truly vital mission of physical-economic program, failing for lack of the progress in advancement of the quality of the infrastructural platform on which the success of the society as a whole depends.2

Infrastructure is not simply a faster or cheaper way of getting from here to there, or of providing electricity at a lower cost. When considered as a totality, as a platform for development, as an environment in which economic activity occurs, its true meaning can be understood. Rebuilding crumbling infrastructure, while needed in many cases, is not the basis of a recovery, or of a new platform of productivity.

Rather, the launching of a more advanced infrastructure system, intended as a basis for a higher level of overall functioning, would focus on the highest technologies: high-speed and magnetic levitation rail systems, nuclear power and the development of commercial nuclear fusion, and the top-down management of the continental water cycle as a whole. New technologies, mediated via a national system of public works, allow a new level of economy overall, which in turn provides the platform for further technological development. Thus, the continuous upgrading of the technologies available to the nation generally, allows for the progressively higher qualitative platforms of economic activity of society as a whole.

In This Week’s Report

An interesting winter we have this year. The snowpack is way below normal for the entire West. The word “drought” still makes some nervous. And dramatic weather events come and go.

The Oroville Dam update this week features the fall-out from the release of the report from the Independent Forensic Team, and the Department of Water Resources, to use a word that has become very familiar this past week, is getting a new ‘shithole’ ripped in them.

Maybe the tunnel project under the Delta will finally go away, as the Brown administration is now working to scale down the $17 billion project, proposing to build one tunnel rather than two.

Of course, this is California, so the decision this week to close the state’s last nuclear power plant– Diablo Canyon– by the California Public Utilities Commission should surprise no one. But, since closing is not scheduled until 2025, perhaps the new paradigm shift now underway to return to real physical economy, will provide us the opportunity to reverse that decision.

Following a couple of news item on infrastructure, the Feature this week is chapter 3 of the “LaRouche’s Four Laws & America’s Future On The New Silk Road” pamphlet.

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